Certified ROI Marketer® Program Curriculum & Fees
Real Marketing ROI Taught by Real ROI Marketers® with Track Record™
Our Exclusive Certified ROI Marketer® Program is built based on the key lessons of the Performance-Tracking results of 30+ million (Real) Marketing Strategies & Ads our parent company, The Fournaise Marketing Group, Tracked & Boosted across all media types (traditional, digital and mobile), across 20 countries worldwide, 13 industries and 11 languages over the last 13+ years for Fortune 500 & Large companies, SMEs & Ad Agencies.
Divided into 4 Modules with 30+ Video Lectures, it contains 200+ Statistics, 40+ Must-Know Formulae & KPIs and 50+ (Real) Examples & Case Studies from All Around the World. It’s Real Marketing ROI Taught by Real ROI Marketers® with Track Record™. The Program Modules should take you less than 35 hours to complete and the Certification Exam around 48-72 hours.
Studying the CEO-Marketer Divide &
Why CEOs Don't Trust Traditional Marketers
CEOs are Under Pressure to Deliver Results: Revenue, Profits, Growth. They Want ROI Marketers®

Number of Video Lectures: 6
You can't be an ROI Marketer® without first clearly understanding the CEO-Marketer Divide. In this Module, we will spend time studying that divide: why does it exist? why is it widening? what are the issues? who's at fault? what do CEOs want from Modern Marketers and what CEOs expect from them?
80% of Marketers out there are Traditional Marketers: we will study who they are, what they do, how they think, their way of working
CEOs are telling us they don't trust Traditional Marketers.
They believe Traditional Marketers lack business credibility
− why? how? what are the top issues CEOs have with
Traditional Marketers?
CEOs are telling us they want ROI Marketers®, the New Breed of
Modern Marketers: we will study who they are, what makes them
different, and how to recognise them
Studying the ROI Marketer® Core Pillars: Accountability, Adaptability, Finance & Accounting
The ROI Marketer® Embraces Accountability, is Highly Adaptable and Speaks the Finance & Accounting Language

Number of Video Lectures: 7
The ROI Marketer® is Rare and Sought After. Knowledgeable in and comfortable with core Finance & Accounting principles, the ROI Marketer® is able to understand and optimise the impact his/her Marketing decisions can have on the company’s financial performance.
In this Module, we will particularly study how the ROI Marketer® is able to understand & speak the Finance & Accounting (and Shareholder Value) language of the company's Top Management:
Profit & Loss (P&L), Balance Sheet & Cash Flow: Revenue, Gross Profit, Operating Expenses, Net Profit, EBIT, EBITDA, Capital & Reserves, Tangible/Intangible Assets, Liabilities, Equity
Key Financial Ratios related to Profit Maximisation & Wealth
Maximisation, such as P/E Ratios, ROE, ROA, DYR and TSR
Learning the ROI Marketer®
Success Formula to Generate More Customer Demand
The ROI Marketer® is a No-nonsense, Science-driven Customer Demand (Growth) Generator

Number of Video Lectures: 7
In this Module we will study how the ROI Marketer® is a No-nonsense Science-driven Performance Machine 100% focused on generating more customer demand for the products/services of the organisation, to grow the organisation's top- and/or bottom-line
We will analyse the ROI Marketer®’s ability to turn Sun Tzu’s Art of War philosophy into a Strategic Marketing Weapon
We will dissect Point by Point the ROI Marketer®'s unique Engineer-like 8-Point Marketing Performance Formula − applicable to any product or service, any marketing challenge, anywhere, and making the ROI Marketer®:
80% better at identifying and nailing the most relevant target audience's pains, needs, wants, expectations and trigger points
(or opportunities) compared to Traditional Marketers
70% better at developing effective Product & Communication
Customer Value Propositions (CVPs) than Traditional Marketers
76% better at developing sharper, more audience engaging
cross-channel campaign strategies and activities than
Traditional Marketers
Learning the ROI Marketer® Performance Tracking & Boosting Tools & KPIs
The ROI Marketer® is a Relentless Marketing Performance Tracker & Booster for Maximised Effectiveness & Results

Number of Video Lectures: 13
In this Module, we will learn and study how:
The ROI Marketer® is the Master of the Marketing Brief: with a clear Template, a clear Mantra and a clear Reference Guru
The ROI Marketer® is an "All-Stages" and "Through-the-Line" 360-degree Performance-Tracking Expert − who knows what type of Precision-Science Performance-Tracking Tools and Techniques to apply at the different stages of the Marketing process to turn Big Data into Relevant Data
The ROI Marketer® knows the type of 360-degree Marketing Performance Dashboard needed to monitor, maximise and report on Marketing Performance & ROI, to best communicate his/her performance and achievements to his Top Management: CEO, CFO, Board and/or Shareholders
In this Module we will also study how the ROI Marketer
® approaches and
gets the best results when it comes to the Latest 7 Marketing Buzzwords:
Marketing Automation
Prospect Funnel Management (Scoring, Conversion)
Digital, Content & Inbound
Performance Marketing
SoLoMo (Social, Local, Mobile)
Shopper Conversion (FMCG)
Sponsorship & Figurehead Marketing
Fees Fees & Other Details
Includes GST/VAT
if applicable
Program Fees: USD3,995.00 per candidate (GST/VAT included), payable upfront via credit card or PayPal. Alternatively, Candidates can also get their employer to sponsor them (please select the "Bill My Company" option when registering)
Includes access to our Personalised Self-Service eLearning Platform (accessible online 24/7) to go through the Program Modules & Video Lectures: study, ask questions, interact with our Program Masters
Each Candidate can take the Certification Exam once, after having completed all the Modules and having watched all the Video Lectures (for best productivity, please note that each Video Lecture can only be watched a maximum of 3 times)
Access to the relevant Certification Materials upon succeeding at the Certification Exam
A Candidate must complete all the Modules of the Program and take the Certification Exam within 6 months of registering for it.
Certified ROI Marketer® Program: Preview Video | Download Brochure