Should you require more information, need assistance or would like to talk to us, please complete the form below, or write/email to us. Alternatively, you can call the Fournaise 24/7 Global Customer Centre.
Need to talk to one of our FMPI Program Services Officers? Call the Fournaise 24x7 Global Customer Centre, press on Option 3 (Global Reception), and ask for Sarah Walsh or Zane Gordon.
I am interested to know more before registering, please contact me:
I am ready to start the Certified ROI Marketer® Program
Registration should take less than 10 minutes
With its well-rounded, 360-degree indepth study of Marketing ROI, this Program is developed for (1) Marketing professionals who currently hold Marketing, Advertising and/or Market Research responsibilities, and (2) for Students or Graduates of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in the fields of Marketing, Advertising, Market Research or Business.